How old is Nikol Pashinyan? When is Nikol Pashinyan's birthday? Where is Nikol Pashinyan born? Where did Nikol Pashinyan grow up from? What's Nikol Pashinyan's age?
Nikol Pashinyan Born: June 1, 1975 (age 48years), Ijevan, Armenia
Is Nikol Pashinyan married? When did Nikol Pashinyan get married? Who's Nikol Pashinyan's married to? (Who's Nikol Pashinyan's husband / wife)?
Nikol Pashinyan Spouse: Anna Hakobyan
How about Nikol Pashinyan's parents?
Nikol Pashinyan Parents: Vova Pashinyan
Does Nikol Pashinyan have any children? What are the names of Nikol Pashinyan's children? What are the ages of Nikol Pashinyan's children?
Nikol Pashinyan Children: Ashot Pashinyan, Mariam Pashinyan, Arpi Pashinyan, Shushan Pashinyan
How about Nikol Pashinyan's party?
Nikol Pashinyan Party: Civil Contract
How about Nikol Pashinyan's current position?
Nikol Pashinyan Current position: Prime Minister of Armenia since 2021
How about Nikol Pashinyan's previous position?
Nikol Pashinyan Previous position: Acting Prime Minister of Armenia (20212021), MORE
How long has Nikol Pashinyan been in power for?
Nikol Pashinyan is the current prime minister.
Who is the prime minister of Armenia?
Nikol Pashinyan is the current prime minister.