How about Kwame Alexander's genr?
Kwame Alexander Genr: Children's literature
How old is Kwame Alexander? When is Kwame Alexander's birthday? Where is Kwame Alexander born? Where did Kwame Alexander grow up from? What's Kwame Alexander's age?
Kwame Alexander Born: August 21, 1968 (age 55years), Manhattan, New York, NY
Is Kwame Alexander married? When did Kwame Alexander get married? Who's Kwame Alexander's married to? (Who's Kwame Alexander's husband / wife)?
Kwame Alexander Spouse: Stephanie Stanley
How about Kwame Alexander's education?
Kwame Alexander Education: Virginia Tech
How about Kwame Alexander's awards?
Kwame Alexander Awards: John Newbery Medal, Golden Kite Award for Picture Book Text
How about Kwame Alexander's nationality?
Kwame Alexander Nationality: American
What is Kwame Alexander most famous for?
Kwame Alexander is the author of \u201cThe Crossover,\u201d which won the 2015 Newbery Medal.
Why did Kwame Alexander write crossover?
Kwame Alexander is the author of \u201cThe Crossover,\u201d which won the 2015 Newbery Medal.
What is Kwame Alexander doing now?
Kwame Alexander is the author of \u201cThe Crossover,\u201d which won the 2015 Newbery Medal.
What was Kwame Alexander's breakout book?
Kwame Alexander is the author of \u201cThe Crossover,\u201d which won the 2015 Newbery Medal.